Artifact Title: Colonial Gaze
Medium: Image
Creator: Tempest Anderson
Location: Saint Vincent
Year: 1902
Image Credits: Image courtesy of York Museums Trust :: :: Public Domain
TERA Curator: Nadia Huggins
Colonial Gaze
Tempest Anderson was an ophthalmic surgeon at York County Hospital in the United Kingdom, and an amateur photographer and vulcanologist. He was a member of the Royal Society Commission which was appointed to investigate the aftermath of the eruptions of La Soufriere volcano, St Vincent in May 1902. Some of his photographs of these eruptions were subsequently published in his book, Volcanic Studies in Many Lands. This image, which shows the destructive impact of heavy ashfall on the ridge, is a starting point to explore ways in which we can think of decolonizing images of catastrophes in the Caribbean. Who determines how this story is told and why is there an inherent need to place the body of the explorer in the image?