All artifacts with the Disaster/Violence/Mourning tag are shown below. You can further refine your selection by choosing an additional tag.
All artifacts with the Disaster/Violence/Mourning tag are shown below. You can further refine your selection by choosing an additional tag.
Step 1 : The artifacts at your disposal are arrayed on the right. You can click on them to open a new page with a description of each artifact.
Step 2 : Drag and drop one artifact on one of the black dots. You can also move the artifact to another dot if you want. Repeat for all the artifacts you want to use.
Step 3 : Depending on the pathway, there are places where you can type a label. Just click on it and type the text you want. You are limited to 25 characters.
Step 4 : The legend is used to list the artifacts with their names. It is useful to identify them one you print the page. Also, you can click on the image or the text to open a new page explaining the artifact.
Step 5 : You have here a large space to type the description of the pathway you built. You are limited to 4000 characters.
Step 6 : Once you are finished, you can print your work as PDF or otherwise by clicking on the printer icon.
Step 7 and 8 : You can adjust the layout and the scale to ensure that your work fits correctly into the width of the page.
Step 9 : Once satisfied with the rendering, just click print to get the PDF file.
This website showcases a collection of artifacts at the intersection of technology, ecology, religion, and art, gathered by members of the TERA collective. Reclassify and rearrange the artifacts by following the prompts, selecting questions, and making your own pathways. Join us in our experiment with building and dismantling systems of thought to ignite a better future.